Friday, 28 October 2011

Kelebihan bulan Zulhijjah; 10 hari pertama

Bulan Zulhijjah merupakan bulan dimana umat islam disyariatkan untuk mengerjakan ibadah haji. Kelebihan 10 hari pertama Zulhijjah tidak banyak dibicarakan sepertima mana 10 hari terkhir Ramadhan, sedangkan kelebihan dan kemulian 10 hari Zulhijjah dan Hari Arafah telah digambarkan dalam Al-Quran dan Hadith. Mari kita fahami akan kelebihan bulan Zulhijjah dan berusaha untuk beramal dalam 10 hari pertama ini, supaya kita mendapat balasan syurga daripada Allah.

Firman Allah dalam surah Al-Buruj, ayat 1-3

“Demi fajar, dan malam yang sepuluh, dan yang genap dan yang ganjil”

Ibnu kathir berpandangan bahawa malam yang sepuluh itu ialah sepuluh malam pertama di bulan zulhijjah, beliau mengmbil pandnagan daripada Ibn Abbas, Ibnu Zubair, Mujahid dan selainnya. Manakala yang ganjil itu ialah hari arafah.
Imam al Bukhari Rahimahullah meriwayatkan daripada Ibnu ‘Abbas r.a bahawa Nabi s.a.w bersabda:

hadith-11“Tiada suatu hari pun, amalan kebaikan padanya mempunyai kelebihan melainkan pada hari-hari ini – iaitu 10 hari Zulhijjah. Para sahabat baginda bertanya, ‘Tidak juga Jihad pada jalan Allah (mengatasi kelebihan Hari-hari tersebut)? Ujar Baginda, Tidak juga Jihad di jalan Allah kecuali seorang yang keluar dengan jiwa raga dan hartanya dan tidak membawa pulang apa-apa pun (kerana habis disumbangkan untuk memenangkan agama Allah).”

Imam Ahmad r.a. dari Ibnu Umar r.a. bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda,

“Tiada suatu haripun, amalan kebaikan padanya mempunyai kelebihan melainkan pada hari-hari 10 Zulhijjah ini, oleh kerana ituperbanyakkanlah padanya tahlil (La Ilaha Illa Allah), takbir (Allah Akbar) dan tahmid (Alhamdu Lillah).

Ibnu Hibban di dalam kitab Sahihnya meriwayatkan dari Jabir r.a. bahawa baginda s.a.w bersabda,

“Seutama-utama hari adalah hari Arafah”.

Manakala kelebihan hari Arafah (9 Zulhijjah) pula disebut oleh Rasulullah S.A.W ketika menafsirkan ayat ke-3 dari surah Al-Buruj
“Yang menyaksikan ialah hari arafah dan yang disaksikan ialah hari kiamat ” (Hadith riwayat Ahmad dan Baihaqi)

Didalam hadith lain pula, Sabda Baginda SAW lagi
“Tidak ada hari yang lebih banyak dibebaskan oleh Allah akan hambaNya daripada neraka lebih dari hari Arafah” (Riwayat Muslim)

1.  Menunaikan ibadah haji dan ‘umrah yang merupakan sebaik-baik amalan. Banyak hadith yang menyatakan kelebihan ibadah ini di antaranya :

Sabda Nabi Salla Allah ‘alaihi wa sallam : “Satu ‘umrah ke ‘umrah yang lain menghapuskan (dosa) yang dilakukan di antara keduanya dan haji yang baik (diterima) tiada baginya balasan melainkan Syurga”.

2.  Berpuasa pada hari-hari tersebut atau sekadar kemampuannya –terutamanya pada hari ‘Arafah – . Tidak dinafikan bahawa puasa adalah di antara amalan yang terbaik dan ianya adalah pilihan Allah Ta’ala sendiri sebagaimana yang dinyatakan di dalam sebuah hadith qudsi :

“Puasa itu adalah bagiKu dan Akulah yang membalasinya, dia meninggalkan keinginan nafsunya, makanan dan minumannya semata-mata keranaKu”.

Dari Abu Sa’id al Khudri Radhia Allah ‘anhu berkata : ‘Rasulullah Salla Allah ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda :

“Tiada seorangpun yang berpuasa pada satu hari di jalan Allah melainkan Allah menjauhkan dengan puasanya itu mukanya dari api neraka sejauh tujuh puluh tahun” (muttafaq ‘alaih).
Imam Muslim Rahimahullah meriwayatkan dari Abi Qatadah Radhia Allah ‘anhu bahawa Rasulullah Salla Allah ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda :

“Puasa pada hari ‘Arafah, saya mengharap Allah akan menghapuskan (dosa) setahun yang lalu dan setahun yang mendatang”.

3.  Takbir (Allahu Akbar) dan berzikir padanya, firman Allah Ta’ala yang bermaksud :
“(Dan supaya mereka menyebut nama Allah pada beberapa hari yang termaklum)”,

Hari-hari tersebut dijelaskan sebagai sepuluh hari di bulan Zulhijjah. Oleh kerana itulah para ‘Ulama menyarankan supaya diperbanyakkan berzikir pada hari-hari tersebut sebagaimana mafhum hadith Ibnu ‘Umar Radhia Allah ‘anhuma yang diriwayatkan oleh Imam Ahmad Rahimahullah, di antaranya :

“Oleh kerana itu perbanyakkanlah padanya tahlil (La Ilaha Illa Allah) , takbir (Allah Akbar) dan tahmid (Alhamdu Lillah)”.
Imam Al Bukhari Rahimahullah meriwayatkan bahawa Ibnu ‘Umar dan Abu Hurairah Radhia Allah ‘anhum kedua mereka pada hari-hari tersebut selalu keluar ke pasar bertakbir dan diikuti oleh orang ramai. Imam Ishaq Rahimahullah meriwayatkan bahawa para Fuqaha’ (ahli feqah) di kalangan Tabi’in (generasi selepas Sahabat Nabi) sentiasa membaca pada hari-hari itu “[Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La Ilaha Illa Allah, wa Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, wa LillahI Hamdu]“. Adalah amat digalakkan supaya suara ditinggikan ketika bertakbir di pasar, rumah, jalan, masjid dan selainnya berdasarkan firman Allah Ta’ala yang bermaksud :
“(Dan supaya kamu membesarkan (bertakbir) Allah di atas ni’matNya menghidayat kamu)”.
Dibolehkan juga pada hari-hari tersebut berzikir dengan apa-apa zikir yang lain dan segala do’a yang baik.
4.  Bertaubat dan meninggalkan segala ma’siat dan dosa, semoga dengan amalan baik dapat mencapai keampunan dan rahmat Allah. Ini kerana ma’siat adalah punca kepada jauh dan terhindarnya seorang hamba dari rahmat Allah manakala ketaatan pula adalah punca dekat dan kasihnya Allah kepadanya. Di dalam sebuah hadith yang diriwatkan oleh Abu Harairah Radhia Allah ‘anhu, Baginda Nabi Salla Allah ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda :

“Sesungguhnya Allah mencemburui (tidak suka) apabila seseorang hambaNya melakukan perkara yang ditegahNya” (muttafaq ‘alaihi).

5.  Memperbanyakkan amalan soleh (baik) terutama amalan-amalan sunat tambahan seperti solat sunat, bersedekah, berjihad, mebaca al Quran, menyeru kepada kebaikan, mencegah kemungkaran dan seumpamanya kerana kesemuanya akan digandakan pada hari-hari tersebut. Amalan yang dikerjakan ketika itu walaupun ia kecil tetapi ianya lebih disukai oleh Allah Ta’ala jika dibandingkan pada hari-hari lain, begitu juga amalan yang besar seperti berjihad di jalan Allah yang dikatogerikan di antara amalan yang terbaik, tidaklah mendapat kehebatan pahala pada hari-hari itu melainkan apabila kuda (kenderaan) yang ditungganginya terbunuh (binasa) dan darahnya keluar (dia cedera atau mati syahid).

6.  Disyari’atkan bertakbir pada beberapa hari yang mulia itu pada waktu siang atau malam terutama selepas menunaikan fardu solat lima waktu yang dikerjakan secara berjamaah. Bagi mereka yang tidak menunaikan ‘ibadah haji, takbir bermula dari waktu subuh hari ‘Arafah (9 Zulhijjah) dan bagi yang menunaikannya takbir bermula pada waktu Zohor hari raya haji (10 Zulhijjah), kesemuanya berakhir sehingga waktu ‘Asar pada hari ketiga belas (13) Zulhijjah.

7.  Disyari’atkan amalan korban (menyembelih haiwan ternakan) pada hari raya haji dan hari-hari Tasyriq (11, 12 dan 13 Zulhijjah). Ia merupakan sunnah (amalan) Nabi Allah Ibrahim ‘Alaihis Solatu was Salam setelah Allah Ta’ala mengujinya dengan perintah menyembelih anaknya Ismail ‘Alaihis Solatu was Salam tetapi ditebus ujian itu dengan digantikan seekor haiwan untuk disembelih.

8.  Imam Muslim Rahimahullah meriwayatkan dari Ummu Salamah Radhia Allah ‘anha bahawa Nabi Salla Allah ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda :

“Apabila kamu telah melihat anak bulan Zulhijjah dan ada di kalangan kamu yang ingin berkorban (sembelih haiwan ternakan), hendaklah dia menahan dirinya dari (memotong) rambut dan kukunya”
dan di dalam riwayat lain :
“Maka janganlah dia memotong rambut dan kukunya sehinggalah dia berkorban”.
Perintah (sunat) ini berkemungkinan ada persamaan dengan hukum bagi mereka yang membawa haiwan ternakan (ketika mengerjakan haji) dari kampung mereka yang telah dijelaskan oleh Allah Ta’ala, maksudnya :
“(Dan janganlah kamu mencukur rambut kamu sehinggalah haiwan ternakan (yang dibawa untuk dihadiahkan dagingnya kepada penduduk Makkah) itu sampai ke tempatnya)”.
Larangan (memotong rambut dan kuku) ini pada zahirnya adalah khusus kepada pemunya haiwan korban tersebut sahaja dan tidak termasuk isteri dan anak-anaknya melainkan mereka juga mempunyai haiwan seumpamanya, dan tidak mengapa jika yang berkenaan membasuh dan menggosok kepalanya kemudian terjatuh beberapa helai rambutnya.
9.  Setiap muslim hendaklah berusaha untuk menunaikan solat hari raya secara berjamaah, menunggu mendengar khutbah yang dibaca oleh imam selepas selepas solat tersebut supaya mendapat pengajaran daripadanya. Sepatutnyalah dia mengetahui hikmat di sebalik perayaan ini; ia merupakan hari menyatakan kesyukuran dengan melakukan kebaikan, janganlah pula dilakukan padanya perkara yang mendatangkan kemurkaan Allah dengan mengerjakan ma’siat, kesombongan, pertengkaran, bermasam muka dan sebagainya yang boleh menjadi sebab kepada terhapusnya amalan-amalan kebaikan yang telah dikerjakannya sebelum itu.
10.  Penuhilah hari-hari berkenaan dengan ketaatan kepada Allah, berzikir, bersyukur, menunaikan perintahNya, menjauhi laranganNya, mendekatkan diri kepadaNya semoga mendapat rahmat dan keampunanNya.

Friday, 21 October 2011

Bersangka baiklah pada sahabat yg menegurmu :)

" Jangan kau sangka kawanmu yang sering menegurmu itu adalah orang yang paling bertaqwa. Jangan kau fikir kawanmu yang sering menasihatimu itu adalah manusia yang tak diuji. Jangan kau ingat kawanmu yang tegas beragama itu adalah manusia yang paling sempurna.

Hakikatnya, dia menegurmu untuk mengingatkan dirinya jua. Dia menasihatimu untuk dirinya turut berjaga-jaga. Dan dia bertegas dalam hal-hal agama kerana risaukan bahang api neraka. Kawanmu itu bukanlah MALAIKAT. Dia juga MANUSIA. Bersangka baiklah, dia sebenarnya mahu memimpinmu masuk ke syurga bersama-sama."

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Cleanliness is from Faith

Salaam 'alaikum :D

"... Islam places great emphasis on cleanliness, in both physical and spiritual terms. Islam insists on it, making it an indispensable fundamental of faith. Cleanliness is an essential part of Islamic life and in fact the meaning and spirit behind the concept of cleanliness is much beyond the superficial concept of the conventional cleanliness.

There are two kinds of cleanliness; physical and spiritual. As far as physical cleanliness is concerned, it is of two types. One which is related to human body and the other is related to environment, water, house, road and public places...
... Muslims wash their genitals after passing urine and secretion and take bath every time they have intercourse with their mates. Muslims also enjoined to use water, not paper or anything else after eliminating body wastes. They are categorically prohibited to have sex with their wives during their menses.

A Muslim is obliged to make ablution if exposed to minor impurities. This means he must wash off those parts of the body (like hand, feet, face, nostrils etc) which are commonly exposed to dust, dirt and environmental pollution. Before every prayer (at least five times a day) and before recital of the Quran, Muslims are asked to perform this ablution...

Islam instructed Muslims to maintain the cleanliness of the roads and streets. This is considered a charity to ridding the streets of impurities and filth. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) strictly warned against it and considered it one of the reasons to provoke Allah's curse and the people's curse, saying: "Beware of the three acts that cause others to curse you: relieving yourselves in a watering place, on foot paths or shaded places."

Apart from physical cleanliness, Islam emphasizes on spiritual cleanliness. This means that one is free from polytheism, hypocrisy and ill manners, love of wealth, love of fame and other carnal desires. The emphasis in Islam is more on the cleanliness of the inner-self that is heart, mind and soul. The external cleaning process and rituals in reality are the preparatory ground work to obtain the more important task and that is cleanliness of the inner-self, which is the ultimate goal of the religion. Islam requires the sincere believer to sanitize and purify his entire way of life. The directives of Zakah (alms) and fasting are nothing but to purify ones wealth and soul.

Cleanliness is the pathway to health and strength. Islam wants a healthy and strong Muslim society which is immune against infectious diseases and is capable of understanding and applying God's message and carrying it away to the whole world..."

Here are some of the sayings of the prophet Mohammed -peace be upon him- regarding Cleanliness:
"Cleanliness is half of faith"

"The key to paradise is prayer and the key to prayer is cleanliness."

"God is pure and loves purity and cleanliness."

"Food is blessed when one washes his hands before and after it"

"Had I not found it difficult for my followers, I would have ordered them to cleanse their teeth before every prayer."

Comic ; Did u Thank God for your eyesight?

The Best Charity

Salaam 'alaikum :D

Allah[God] said in the glorious Qur'an:
لَن تَنَالُوا الْبِرَّ حَتَّىٰ تُنفِقُوا مِمَّا تُحِبُّونَ ۚ وَمَا تُنفِقُوا مِن شَيْءٍ فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ بِهِ عَلِيمٌ
"Never will you attain righteousness unless you spend (in Allah's Cause) from that which you love. And whatever you spend - indeed, Allah is Knowing of it."
[Translation of 3:92]

Charity, for which the expression used in the Holy Quran is "spending out of what God has given you", means using your energy, talent, resources, money, possessions, or whatever else, to help and do good to those in need. In Islam charity is very often mentioned alongside prayer because just as the latter is man's relation with God, or man's duty towards God, the former (charity) represents his relation with his fellow-beings, and indeed with all the creation of God. Prayer expresses love for God, submission to Him, and a desire to bring out the Divine qualities that lie hidden in every person. Charity is an expression of sympathy and benevolence towards God's creation, putting into actual practice the lessons you learn in prayer.

Innumerable examples can be given because doing any kind of good to anyone, even to yourself to make you more capable of benefitting others, by using what God has given you, is an act of charity. Feeding the hungry, helping the poor, taking care of the destitute such as orphans, lending a hand to the disabled, helping an unemployed person to find a job, etc., are the more obvious examples of charity taught by Islam. But it also teaches that there are other, smaller acts of charity which one has the opportunity to do everyday. Helping someone in any way, showing the way to a stranger, speaking a kind word to cheer someone up, giving useful advice or imparting knowledge to someone, removing from the road something that could cause an accident, even simply refraining from hurting anyone, are all acts of charity in Islam.

Being charitable is very strongly urged upon the Muslims. There is no person at all who cannot do a deed of charity to others. The prophet Mohammed -peace be upon him- said: "Every Muslim has to give in charity." The people then asked: "But what if someone has nothing to give, what should he do?" The Prophet replied: "He should work with his hands and benefit himself and also give in charity (from what he earns)." The people further asked: "If he cannot find even that?" He replied: "He should help the needy who appeal for help." Then the people asked: "If he cannot do (even) that?" The Prophet said finally: "Then he should perform good deeds and keep away from evil deeds, and that will be regarded as charitable deeds."

Just as acts of charity have the broadest possible significance in Islam, similarly the circle of those towards whom charity is to be exercised is the broadest that can be conceived. Starting with the people around us - our relations, friends, and neighbors - it extends to all Muslims, and to followers of other religions. In fact, a Muslim's charity covers even animals. The Holy Quran emphasizes that one should keep a special look-out for those who may be in need but who do not ask for help:
لِلْفُقَرَاءِ الَّذِينَ أُحْصِرُوا فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ لَا يَسْتَطِيعُونَ ضَرْبًا فِي الْأَرْضِ يَحْسَبُهُمُ الْجَاهِلُ أَغْنِيَاءَ مِنَ التَّعَفُّفِ تَعْرِفُهُم بِسِيمَاهُمْ لَا يَسْأَلُونَ النَّاسَ إِلْحَافًا ۗ وَمَا تُنفِقُوا مِنْ خَيْرٍ فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ بِهِ عَلِيمٌ
"[Charity is] for the poor who in Allah's Cause are restricted (from travel), and cannot move about in the land (for trade or work). The one who knows them not thinks them to be rich on account of (their) abstaining (from begging), but you will know them by their [characteristic] sign. they do not beg of people at all. And whatever you spend in good - indeed, Allah is Knowing of it. "
[translation of 2:273]

In case of those acts of charity when we give something away, the Holy Quran teaches that we should only give good and useful things, not useless and worthless ones, and they should be the kind of things we like to have ourselves. Moreover, things given in charity must have been earned or acquired lawfully by the person giving them away.
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا أَنفِقُوا مِن طَيِّبَاتِ مَا كَسَبْتُمْ وَمِمَّا أَخْرَجْنَا لَكُم مِّنَ الْأَرْضِ ۖ وَلَا تَيَمَّمُوا الْخَبِيثَ مِنْهُ تُنفِقُونَ وَلَسْتُم بِآخِذِيهِ إِلَّا أَن تُغْمِضُوا فِيهِ ۚ وَاعْلَمُوا أَنَّ اللَّهَ غَنِيٌّ حَمِيدٌ
"O you who believe! Spend of the good things which you have (legally) earned, and of that which We have produced from the earth for you, and do not aim at that which is bad to spend from it, (though) you would not accept it save if you close your eyes and tolerate therein. And know that Allah is Rich (Free of all wants), and Worthy of all praise. "
[translation of 2:267]

Animal care ; is the charity in the eyes of Allah.

Peace be to you my friends,

I found this article and thought you could learn something new:

The early Islamic society cared a great deal not only for the natural environment, but also due to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the Muslims also extended their care and protection to the animal world. Human beings according to the teachings of Islam are God's vice-regents on earth, and for this reason they must also demonstrate guardianship to all of God's creatures. The Prophet (p.b.u.h) gave many examples to demonstrate the importance and gravity of this custodianship. Among these examples is that he stated that a person would go to hell for starving a cat to death, and another person who would be forgiven all sins for quenching the thirst of dog as it waited by a well.

There are many such examples from the teachings of Islam, for instance, when a Muslim plants or sows something, that an animal or bird feeds itself from, this is a charity in the eyes of God; anyone who treats well his horse will be protected against poverty; the Prophet (p.b.u.h) forbade Muslims from tying an animal and using it as a target, cutting an animal's feet muscles or letting a tied animal die; the Prophet cursed whomsoever mutilated an animal, or hitting animals on the face. Al-Bukhari contains an account of the Prophet (p.b.u.h) himself wiping with his own cloth the face of his horse, and stating that is a good deed for anyone to give even a grain of barley to a horse. It is also forbidden to separate a beast from its progeny or to burn a nest of ants without an adequate reason.

Perron reports from Addamiri that the famed scholar Chibli was forgiven his sins not for his efforts in scholarship, although may God reward him for this also, but because he showed kindness by warming up a cat that was suffering from the cold in a Baghdad street.

Caliph Omar, one of the most distinguished of the Prophet's (p.b.u.h) companions demonstrated exceptional compassion towards animals. In fact he would deal strongly with those who overloaded their 'beasts of burden'. He would actually go to the extent of concealing himself from view and check that people were treating animals well. On one occasion he passed his hand over the wound of a camel intending to help heal the beast, saying, "I fear God may seek retributions from me for the pain you suffer".

Many Western observers would be astonished at the excessive care and provision that the Muslims would provide for animals that may otherwise be seen as a menace. For example, Volney mentions the substantial number of hideous dogs wandering in the streets Cairo and the kites hovering over houses uttering mournful noises. He points out that Muslims kill neither, though both dogs and kites are considered to have impurities. On the contrary, devout Muslims went to the extent of establishing bread and water foundations for dogs.

Thevenot also observed that the charity of the Turks extends to animals and birds. On market days, for example, many people would buy birds with the sole intention of releasing them to be free. Thevenot further noted that people would also leave enormous wealth to feed cats and dogs; some would give money to bakers or butchers for this charitable purpose. In turn those who are charged with this responsibility are more than pleased to carry through the task, and even in the town square.

It was in this spirit that the Muhtasib, or Chief of Police, would not only take responsibility for preventing breaches of the civil and religious law but also for preventing and punishing people for not supplying their animals with sufficient provender or overworking the animal.

Benevolence is commended by the Prophet (p.b.u.h) as the first of all virtues; a benevolence which is indeed extended to all animals. In the hadith collection of Nasa'i, it is said that it is forbidden to kill birds for no reason, most particularly if doing so is merely a leisurely pursuit. The victim, i.e. the bird, will cry to God "this person killed me, and did it for no useful purpose"...

... Islamic law commands that a Muslim should avoid every form of cruelty towards animals, especially within the task of ritual slaughter. For instance, it is stressed that never should a knife be sharpened in front of the beast to be slaughtered, and that no beast should ever be killed in front of others. Any person observing these rules will find reward in paradise.

In medieval times, states Le Bon, the land of Islam was a paradise for animals. Dogs, cats, birds, and all others of the animal world were universally cared for. Birds flew freely inside mosques, and even built their nests in the vicinity of the Mosque. Wild birds crossed the fields without ever being disturbed, and never would a child attack a bird's nest. In Cairo he describes a widely observed fact that there exists a Mosque where cats, at a certain hour of the day, came to fetch their food that a charitable hand had provided for these animals countless times over. Le Bon claimed further that it is from these small details that we can judge the morality of a nation and its people; it shows the kindness and urbanity the Westerner will learn from the oriental.

In conclusion one cites a beautifully touching incident in the life of the grammarian Abu'l Hassan Tahir B. Ahmad B. Babashadh, recorded by Ibn Khalikan, which demonstrates an animal's ability to provide a moral example to a Muslim, and the Muslims ability to accept this:

`Being one day on the roof of the Mosque at old Cairo with some other persons, eating a collation, a cat went over to them and they gave it a bit of meat. The animal took it into its mouth and went off, but soon returned again, on which they threw another morsel to it. This is carried off also, and it kept going and coming a great number of times, at each of which it received from them another bit. Struck with this singularity, and knowing that no single cat could eat all that they had given, they suspected something extraordinary, and followed the animal. Then they saw it clamber over a wall on the roof and go down into an empty place like an abandoned room. There, they found another cat, but blind, eating of the food which had been brought to it and set before it by its companion. They were so much struck with this, and Ibn Babashadh said: "Since God has caused this speechless animal to be served and fed by another cat, and not withheld from its nourishment, how could He let a human being such as I perish of hunger?" He immediately broke off all the ties which bound him to the world; he gave up his place, renounced his salary and shut himself up in a chamber, where he pursued his studies in the full confidence that God would provide for him. His friends then took care of him and supported him till he died.'

Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave

Peace be upon you dear friends :D

Confucius, the Chinese philosopher said: "Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon or star."

if ignorance is night, then knowledge is light! Islam stands against ignorance and encourages muslims to learn as long as they live. learning in Islam is a duty on every muslim, man and woman. and it's considered one kind of worship: the muslim is rewarded by God for all his/her effort to learn and to teach others.

The prophet Mohammed -peace be upon him- encouraged his followers and all muslims to learn. learn to know themselves. and learn to know God. and learn to succeed in this life and the hereafter.
among his sayings:

"An hour's contemplation is better than a year's adoration"

"To spend more time in learning is better than spending more time praying; the support of religion is abstinence. It is better to teach knowledge one hour in the night than to pray all night."

"Whoever seeks knowledge and finds it, will get two rewards; one of them the reward for desiring it, and the other for attaining it; therefore, even if he does not attain it, for him is one reward."

"He who knows his own self, knows God."

"The ink of the scholar is more holy than the blood of the martyr"

"Learn to know yourself."

"Who are the learned? They who practice what they know."

An ancient Arabic proverb says: "Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave." So, dear brothers and sisters, as you can see. knowledge is light and ignorance is darkness. so let's stay in the light and learn at least one new thing per day.

Comic; The 7 wonders of the world

Comic; 3 tough questions

Wasiat seorang yg Zahid

Sedikit tazkirah saya sertakan bersama..inshaa' Allaah moga2 kita semua dapat menjadikan panduan dan amalan munuju akhirat..

Dunia itu landasan akhirat...

~Ibrahim bin Adham terkenal sebagai seorang yang zahid. Kata-katanya penuh dengan hikmah dan selalu dijadikan pedoman orang-orang yang mendekatkan diri kepada Allah.
 Pernah suatu ketika seorang muslim datang kepadanya meminta kepada beliau, “Wahai Ibrahim, berilah kami wasiat agar seluruh kehidupan kami bermanfaat !”. Maka Ibrahim Al Adham menjawab :

1. Jika engkau melihat orang-orang sibuk dengan dunia, maka sibukkanlah dirimu dengan akhirat.

2. Jika engkau melihat orang-orang sibuk dengan memperindah penampilan fizikal maka sibukkanlah dirimu dengan memperindah dan mempercantikkan batinmu.

3. Jika engkau melihat orang-orang sibuk mengurus perkebunan maka sibukkanlah dirimu dengan memakmurkan kuburan.

4. Jika engkau melihat orang-orang sibuk mengabdikan diri kepada sesama manusia, maka sibukkanlah dirimu dengan mengabdikan diri kepada Rabbul Alamin.

5. Jika engkau melihat orang-orang sibuk mengatakan aib orang lain, maka sibukkanlah dirimu dengan keburukan dirimu sendiri.

6. Jadikanlah kehidupan di dunia ini sebagai taman pertanian yang akan menghantarkan engkau ke pohon raya di akhirat kelak.


Hakikatnya, semua Allaah yg cipta =)

Monday, 17 October 2011

Daily life ; Perihal ingat mengingati

Mari saling mendoakan! :D

" Tiada seorang Muslim pun yang berdoa untk saudaranya dari belakang, melainkan malaikat bkata kpdnya, 'Dan bg kamu sperti yg kamu pinta untk saudaramu' "
(Riwayat Muslim)