Monday, 10 October 2011

Sunnah way of cutting the nailS

✽ A person must cut his/her nails regularly (Sahih Muslim)

✽ One should start cutting nails from the right side (Sahih Bukhari & Muslim)

Allamah Ibne Hajar Asqalani (R.A.A.), an illustrious and reputable scholar of Hadith and also the author of Fathul Bari, the commentary of the most authentic book of Hadith; Sahihul Bukhari, presents another interpretation in the light of Hadith to prove that cutting ones nails in sequence is at least recommended, if not Mustahab.

He mentions the Hadith of Aisha (R.A.) in which she says that: ?Nabi (S.A.W.) liked to choose the right in his issues of Taharat (purity and cleanliness) and Tarajjul (combing his hair) and likewise in all his affairs.? From this Hadith we conclude that it is recommended (not Mustahab) to observe the sequence in clipping the nails and start from the right hand.

Allamah Ibne Hajar (R.A.) also explains that to start clipping from the Musabbihah (better known as the Tashahhud finger (index finger) of the right hand is because of its virtue over the other fingers. As far as observing the sequence of the remaining fingers is concerned it is because they start from the right of the index finger and as mentioned by Aisha (R.A.), Nabi (S.A.W.) always preferred the right side.

(Bukhari,Vol.2,Page.875, Fathul Bari,Vol.10,Page.345, Muslim,Vol.2,Page129, Raddul Muhtar,Vol.5,Page.288, Al-Mughni Li Ibni Qudamah,Vol.1,Page.118-119)

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